Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

this is me on drugs

i started the prozac immediately upon arrival in my hot(flash), sweaty little hands on friday afternoon.

i know they're not supposed to kick in for weeks, but i swear i already feel better.

of course, that could also have to do with the fact that last week was the week from hell, in which all things went south and chaos was the norm, and this week, in comparison, is full of lull, but whatever.

i feel better, and that's what matters.

of course, all the drugs in the worold won't help me on thursday.

i'm going on record--i don't like holidays. well, the holidays are fine, but it's the long, drawn-out days full of chit chat that i don't much care for.

since we never did have a baby, which would give me that built-in "he/she needs to go home and take a nap" excuse to flee, i use greta. as in "she's been in her crate for two hours and i need to go home and let her out."

which is true, but also works to get me out of those long, drawn-out family holiday feasts.

then i come home to hungry animals demaning to be fed, walked, played with and whatever else they've decided they need at the moment.

so maybe it's not being alone that i crave, but rather not having to answer a bunch of questions and make small talk.

either way, and no matter when i leave, mike gets home hours later. and i'm always glad i left when i did, because i'm snug in bed with two warm cats and a sleeping dog nearby, reading and watching tv and dozing, which really is the perfect way to spend a holiday!


Blogger Sheri Reed said...

enjoy your escape to cozy in bed.

1:30 PM  

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