Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

another weird occurence

at cafe bernardo. this time, mike and i were there for breakfast yesterday, and who did we see? none other than gunther! the back story--mike and i used to go to taco loco all the time (like every friday) when we first started dating. i lived around the corner, the food was good and we were broke. so there was a guy who worked there that always used to smile at me and then scowl at mike. we started referring to him as gunther, in reference to rachel's gunther on friends. back to yesterday. so we walk in and i'm deciding what to order and mike keeps poking me and mumbling. well, it turns out he's mumbling, "there's gunther! there's gunther!" i look up, and gunther's walking away into the back of the restaurant. then he turns around and comes back, and i see him looking, so i smile, and he walks over to me. this is a guy that has only smiled at me from afar for the last 10 years--i don't even know his name. so he walks over and i say, "hi! good to see you! how long have you worked here?" so he says,"six months. it's good to see you too." and we both smile and that's that. he turns away and i turn to mike, and mike has this goofy smile on his face and laughs because in total gunther mode, he completely ignored mike. we order, sit down, and later this girl who also works there comes in with her baby/toddler boy. so she's saying hi to all her employee friends and ordering food to go, and gunther walks out and hugs her. turns out she's his wife! and then he brings his son over to our table to introduce me to him, doesn't introduce me to his wife, and ignores mike again. needless to say, his son, diego, is adorable. but i feel like an ass because i don't even know the guys name. when his wife and kid leave, he goes back to the kitchen again (i think he's a sous chef or something). so i have a shocked look on my face, and mike totally calls me on it. why am i bummed that gunther is married? or more importantly, why is he so clearly gunther over me when he is married. then mike says, "she kinda looks like you. i bet they're gonna have good sex tonight--until she asks him who you are."


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