Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

planes and trains

what's up with all the planes dropping out of the sky as of late? every time i think i may finally be able to fly--though i have no destination in mind--another plane drops. guess we'll definitely be taking the train back from bean town next year for sure, although it's going to add a lot of $$ and extra days to the trip. but fun, i'm sure. i'm also toying with the idea of visiting my fav client in penn while we're back there, because this will most likely be the only time we'll be back for many years, and i'd love to meet her. been working for her for two-plus years, steady, fun work, and we've never even spoken on the phone! via email only--probably why she's my fav. so low maintenance. then there's my bread-and-butter guy, but i have to talk to him every week, like it or not. in fact, i have to call him in an hour. ugh! i so hate scheduled calls--gives me flashbacks to corporate offices. oh well. after i talk to him, i'm off to catch up on my dvr'd shows and then watch sin city on dvd. i know, it's a tough life, but hey--i had cancer. speaking of cancer, we just found out that our street/immediate neighborhood is not in the carcinogen pesticide spray zone, so i'm relieved about that. doesn't protect me when i venture beyond my streets, but it's better than nothing. we're too close to the river, thank god!


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