Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

splish splash

if i won the lottery, one of the first things i'd do is put one of those treadmill-like pools in the backyard so i wouldn't have to swim at the gym anymore. there was a woman in the pool today that, i swear, was just trying the chop up the water the entire time i swam laps. she was there yesterday, too, when i commented on how choppy the water was, so i guess she didn't like my comment very much. i prefer calm waters for swimming. i'm hoping that tahoe isn't too cold to swim some laps. i'm bringing my goggles and fins in the hopes of a few good swims. i'm trying to convince mike that our first morning there we should polar bear it in the water. he'll probably wuss out, but i think i might have to do it, just because we'll be so close. i'm plowing through jay mohr's book about snl right now so mike can read it while we're up there, since i plan to be buried in a book the better part of every hot, lazy afternoon. but i do hope it cools off a bit. no need to scorch while we're there.


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