Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Monday, June 20, 2005

day two

it's day two of my detox, and it's going well, though i don't know how i'll make it until next sunday without iced tea to cool me off. and let's face it, munching on a carrot, though sweet, isn't quite the same as a vegan oreo. right now the focus is on cleaning up my liver and colon, so when i fast on monday, my organs won't go into shock. plus, i won't have a bunch of junk in my system to sit around on fast day and guck everything up. i can't believe it's already nearing the end of june. where does the time go? seriously, where does it go? the weeks always seem so busy, but when i look back now, what have i been filling the time with? swimming? i'm not at the pool all day. tv? even i can't watch that much tv, especially in the summer. reading? yes, i'm finally finishing the two books i started last month, but i haven't been devouring books like i used to. i have all kinds of good intentions, and then the days just melt by. i wish we could add a few hours to the day, without having to add more hours to the "work" week or day. just more hours with which to read and write and hang out with mike when he gets home from work late and i'm already in bed because we get up so damn early in the mornings and i require 8-10 a night. i need more.


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