Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


i have a love/hate thing with technology. i love it because it enables me to succumb to my biggest vice--tv--and i hate it because when it's not running smoothly, things quickly turn to crap. take this new computer i'm using, the same computer that my poor husband spent 10 hours yesterday setting up for me before finally quitting from sheer exhaustion. it works fine, but it's not quite the same as my old, trusty one. so now i have to learn/relearn everything, and i'm buggin. on the flip side, our new dvr is fab! and so idiot-proof, even i can use it. i'm already recording more crap than i'll ever have time to watch, but that's the beauty of it. and now that we've gotten our hands on an ipod over the weekend, that's the next techno gadget on our list to buy. what's funny is we were one of the last kids on the block to get a dvd player, and now we're all netflixed and dvred and new computered and gettin an ipod. and this is coming from a girl who's still bummed that her new car's stereo only has a cd player and no tape cassette player.


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