Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


like a lot of people, i tend to spend money when i'm depressed. and i'm not feeling great about myself right now, so i'm spending dough. i'm actually preparing to try something pretty radical to jump start my body and get all the residual chemo out--i'm going to detox. in order to do so, i have to avoid certain foods for seven days first, and one of them is coffee/caffeine. and since i'm starting this preparation on sunday, this morning i went out and bought myself a grande latte. and i plan to make a jamba run tomorrow. the seven-day preparation isn't a far cry from how i eat normally, except now i will have to give up soy (milk, tofu, etc.) and green tea, two of my addictions. then i have to fast for one day and then go back to the seven day regime (but for only three days) before i can resume my normal eating. i figure summer is the best time to do all this crazy stuff because it's not like i want to eat a lot of food when it's hot anyway. maybe i can expel all the crap out of my body that's hidden in the dark corners and stop forgetting things and feel lighter and stop being so clumsy (all of which i attribute to chemo, because i never had these problems before). plus lose some weight and clear up my skin, two things that are supposed to happen with this detox. a girl can dream...


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