Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Friday, June 03, 2005

peace made

i'm finally feeling comfortable with my new computer. granted, it's still a bit chaotic, and as ross would say, nobody likes change, but it is so much faster than the old that i can forgive it for being scary. our latest tech issue is the fact that there's a green light on one of our cable boxes that's on all the time that shines right in mike's eyes when he's in bed. as he says, it radiates green beams into the room. i keep telling him to shut his eyes, but i guess he's been sleeping with one eye open or something. luckily, it's time for our monthly bedside swap, so at least i won't hear him complaining about that green light anymore--i can sleep through just about anything, so i doubt it will bother me much. i've finally started rehab (no, not that kind) for my leg. i saw a chiropractor yesterday who just about killed me with the breaking up of the scar tissue and the muscle stim machine, but today it feels a little bit better (or maybe it's because i've iced it so much it's now numb). between her and massages, maybe i can finally get back to running again. it's nearing time for me to go visit storygoil and have a cool ap and hear about whales and eagles and shoes and mamazine and second child deliberations...


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