Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Saturday, April 29, 2006

idiot girl strikes again

yesterday was my annual treck to the emergency room. this time, for my left knee. this is what went down:

mike woke up in a pissy mood--his tooth hurt, he was grumpy from the bad gym-going week, etc. and when he's pissy, i take it personally (hard not to when he's such a grump!). so he was getting ready to leave and i was in the shower and he came in all mad and asked when i would be ready to switch the cable box, so i told him to give me a sec. i rushed out of the shower and threw on a towel and ran down the hall to help him, and my foot slipped and i twisted my knee so hard i thought i was going to die. really. die. hurt as bad as when i broke my arm die. so i pretended that it wasn't that bad, he left for work, and i sat on the couch wet and freezing because i couldn't move.

i finally hobbled to the phone and called kaiser and the advice nurse said, "you're on fosamax, you may have broken something. get to the er." so i called my m-i-l (woke her up) and she had to take me over because it hurt so bad i couldn't drive. after four hours and two sets of xrays, they determined it's soft tissue damage. my knee is now the size of a softball, and i have crutches to get around on. but--no cast and no break!!!!

oh, and mike felt so guilty because he knew it was partially his fault that he showed up at the er. a tech was wheeling my back from radiology on a gurney and said a "tall, handsome man" was looking for me.

then last night we went to centro for dinner and i got drunk on mojitos and momentarily forgot the pain. that is, until i woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep because it hurt so bad.

glass is half full, i'm looking at a two to three week recovery. glass is half empty, it will still be bad after a week and i'll need an mri and possibly surgery to fix whatever i did. obviously, i'm hoping the glass is half full.

and to top it all off, i went for a glorious run yesterday morning.


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