Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Monday, April 10, 2006

the storm before the calm

there are ominous, dark clouds gathering above me but so far no rain, which is good because the levies need time to dry and get ready for the next onslaught. the best surprise of all was that the weekend was dry (for the most part) so mike was able to mow the two-foot-high grass in back and front, as well as putter, which was good for his mood, and subsequently mine. we also found some new jeans for mike, and got to visit brian and zander while we were in the neighborhood. which turned into a reunion of sorts because brian's parents were visiting him. and to keep the reunion ball rolling, we went to brunch with my m-i-l, rob and pam on sunday, after m-i-l stopped pouting and having a hissy that she didn't get her way (them living in her house is, i think, her way). pam and i got a chance to get to know each other better, and she shared their baby-making struggles with me and i'm glad she did, because i think it brought us closer. we're no longer strangers, which is good. but the weekend ended poorly when mike napped for hours yesterday and then couldn't fall asleep last night until well after midnight. and i slept through the alarm for the gym, which was a good thing considering mike had only fallen asleep a few hours before it went off.


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