Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Monday, April 03, 2006

50 more years?

can i imagine living 50 more years? not really. but at mike's uncle's 85th b-day party on saturday afternoon, it got me thinking about it. i know that the longer i'm a cancer survivor, the more my chance for overall survival decreases. you'd think it would be the other way around, but i'm also hopeful that the statistics are based on much older women, where their chance of survival decreases naturally every year anyway. i guess that's my magical thinking for the day.

thanks to a free large peet's soy latte (thanks to storygoil's email) i'm wired. i know i would be wanting a nap right now otherwise, since the time change always hits me hard in the spring. we had to force ourselves to get out of bed for the gym this morning at the ungodly hour of 4:15 a.m. i imagine tomorrow will be even tougher. i guess that's my not-so-magical thinking.

and since i finished the year of magical thinking, i'm now going to try a million little pieces (again). the first time i only got through the first two pages before the author's writing style drove me nuts. this time i'm going to try to get through at least the first chapter before i give up.

going to a funeral this week. cousin-in-law's wife's mother's husband. taking my m-i-l, so should be interesting. i told mike after this week i'm all family'd out for a while. i told him this yesterday after i said what he always says after we have two busy weekends back to back: "next weekend, we're not doing anything!" he said, "that's what i always say!" that's us, two peas in a pod. or, as i always say, two minds that share the same brain--we're half-brains.


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