Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Friday, March 17, 2006


so i wrote a story for wholesale source yesterday about pirate products (no, not eye patches and whatnot, but faux lv bags and kate spades, etc.) and it got me even more excited about going to ny. i doubt i will buy any of the faux stuff, but who knows. if i see something i really really like and just have to have, is it so bad if it's a knock off and will fall apart before the year is out? not if it costs $10 it isn't! i still love my target fuggs (what i call my fake ugg boots). love them. and they've lasted two years. i even took them to mendocino and wore them outside to and fro the bathroom in the bad weather, and they held up great. and i still, to this day, get tons of compliments on my many fake kate spade bags and my big tod bag. yes, the threads are starting to fray, but who gives a rat's ass? they're still plenty cute. i'm fine with the fakes as long as i know going in what i'm getting. katie was telling me she got some seven jeans on ebay and that you can buy all kinds of high-end designer jeans for way less that way. but i'm leery, because i'd hate to think i'm getting the real thing and find out later it's faux. i like to be in the driver's seat, thank you very much!


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