Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


we're back from san diego. too much fun in not enough time. went down friday late morning and took katie to real food daily ( for dinner (YUM!) in west hollywood. then made it to san diego by midnight. took the kids to art class the next morning, then us girls got peddies and then we all went to dinner at sally's fav place. sunday we went to breakfast and then took the kids to the park so mike could help teach them to ride bikes. then watched the oscars that night. got up at 4am to come home. two minor cat issues while we were gone: flynn didn't eat the first night (highly unusual, as he is a feline eating machine) and mox kept puking and not eating. so i had to take her to the vet right when we got back. seriously, what is up with our high-maintenance cats? i fear for them while we're gone for three weeks this fall. and for our poor pet sitter, who will have to deal with all their issues.


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