Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Friday, June 23, 2006

heat and humidity

or is it heat and stupidity? either way, i'm suffering from it big time.

i can't focus on work. i feel like i'm walking around under water all day. moving slowly and everything is just a little fuzzy. i think my brain may be melting from how damn hot it is! our a/c was still running last night at almost 10 p.m. that's not only expensive, but also crazy.

i can't imagine what s must be feeling, carting around her little zygote that's really not so little anymore (no offense, s, 'cause you look adorable!).

we spent about three hours last night trying to unlock the clues of lost's first season. and we got next to nada.

although i did find out that the flight attendant's name was cindy, and jack's tattoo has a number five in it. and there was something about the bronx and rose (a train whistle and braking?). oh, and we both think the marshall was in love with kate. so i guess we did discover some secrets. and there was that shout out to office space, one of the funniest movies i've ever seen.

tomorrow night mike and i are going to see pete yorn do an acoustic show at the blue lamp. we saw ben lee there a while ago, and the place isn't that great for a concert, but it sure beats driving to sf for a show. and, i just found out that pete yorn will be opening for the dixie chicks in sept for my solo concert, so i get to see him twice! nice!


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