Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Thursday, June 15, 2006

the good old days

watching the hills on mtv (come on, you know you watch it too!) is like going back in time and watching myself with my first "real job." i too had the lazy, rude, bad-influence roommate. and i too used to be torn between school and work.

my first real job was at THE BANK (not to be confused with "the bank" on alias). worked there for four years. used to go to work hung over in the summer and call in sick (occasionally) when barbie could talk me into it. it was both the best and worst job i've ever had. it was also the last job i had where i could actually leave work at work at the end of the day. no worries, no responsibility (other than all that money!) and no promises of promotions. i was a teller, and that was that. i'd been through two robberies, more supervisors than were necessary (loved some, hated others), work crushes, customer crushes, dated customers, etc. toward the end i even worked two blocks away from where i lived in midtown. talk about convenient! although i don't talk to anyone from those days anymore (except geoff gorman, my idol), i often wonder what happened to johnston, kelley, bill and angela. that's also where i learned that i would go far in life if only my supervisors were respect-worthy.

the jobs got more boring from there: law firm (HATED IT); money store (marketing-yawn, and then copywriting YAY!); laid off and took a job in marketing at a huge state assoc. which was one of the two worst places i've ever worked; moved to another state assoc. that was a step up but paid less; then another non-profit that was my last stop before freelancing.

i've had every type of supervisor imaginable, and only seemed to click with the men (i guess being raised by my dad has something to do with that?). favorite bosses: cynthia (who i still talk to and visit in s.d. whenever i can--love her and her family and her best friend/my sister in spirit sally; tim, julie and sam at tms; geoff at the bank; belinda at the law firm; and the guy whose name i can't remember who i answered to at alpine meadows when we ran the lift on the bunny hill.

now i'm my own boss, which i am much more suited to than i ever was answering to middle (mis)management. the freedom to come and go as i please, say no when i need/want to and write what i want when i want. you know what? I'M my best boss!!!


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