Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Friday, May 19, 2006


not to be confused with "no comment." that "o comments" taunts me every time i come to my blog. but let's face it--no one's reading this. and since i'm not blogging for profit (although god i wish i were), this is more of an open diary kind of thingy anyway.

my sister and dad just left. she's just the same as i remember, except she's gained about 100+ pounds in the last few years. it's sad. and hereditary, which is why i'm freaking out about the 10 i've put on in the past few years. i'm not overweight (although i'd be glad to lose about 20), but i could very well end up that way if my genes have a say in the matter. and it doesn't help that sheri is talking about chocolate at the little zygote that could! so i blame her for the four faux oreos i just ate (vegan newman-o's).

but alas, i digress (or is it digest?).

so as they were leaving, my sister gave me two tickets to her son's high school graduation in a few weeks. yes, her son is (also) my nephew, whose diapers i had to change while studying for finals my junior year of high school when my sister left him with us while she disappeared for days. he's been a busy boy. apart from juvenile issues, he's now facing hard time for embezzling from his employer. the apple never does fall far from the tree, eh?

for now, i'm happy that lunch went well, she didn't steal anything (or at least i haven't noticed if she did), and we found enough to talk about that there weren't too many awkward silences. it's all about baby steps.


Blogger Sheri Reed said...

holy wow! we need to get together. don't i still owe you a bday peet's?

11:04 AM  
Blogger writnkitten said...

you don't OWE me, but it would be good to see you and baby on board. :) what's your saturday like this weekend?

11:09 AM  

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