Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

the perfect pooch

i'm not talking belly pooch, but the pooch of the canine variety. after spending 72 hours (almost exactly) with Macy, i'm in love. she's so great that when tania called me yesterday because they had to cut their trip short because their one-year-old was sick, we (ok, me) practically begged to keep her another night. so i got one more morning with macy at the dog park, in the backyard, and on a walk. i'm an animal lover in general, but i think with me the fondness is just like how all of my friend's kids are cute, some are so freaking adorable and/or funny and amazing. and just like that, i like all dogs/cats, but some are just so damn cute/gorgeous that i adore them. like macy.
the downside to the fun-dog-filled weekend is that i'm now so tired that tuesday at tower has for one night only become tuesday dinner at crepeville curtis park. which i'm scoping out for father's day anyway.
and as for our cats, they were champs this weekend. flynn was fascinated with macy, and moxie warmed to her eventually. if we weren't going on a big trip this fall, we'd be dog hunting already. it will have to wait until winter/spring, but it's gonna happen!


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