Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


i wish i was a turtle. then i could just curl up in my tough outer shell for a while.

god, if i feel this awful on prozac, how would i be feeling off of it?

i know things could always be worse, because they have been (hello, cancer!). but why can't my significant other see that? instead of focusing on money and income and not happiness and health?

i mean, if i went to work full time, i'd still only be making slightly more than what i'm making freelancing less than full time. and i'd be miserable to boot. is it really worth it?

while i'm trying to see the glass half full about the situation, he's seeing the glass half empty. meanwhile, i think there was just an earthquake and the glass is in shards on the floor...


Blogger Sheri Reed said...

have you considered slipping a little of the P in HIS mouthwash?

1:03 PM  

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