Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Thursday, September 15, 2005

i'm back

and i have no great cosmic excuse except laziness. my back is no better, and it turns out i have not one, but two herniated discs, one pressing into my spinal cord and the other bulging to the left, which explains all the left leg probs i've had for the past few months (feels like years). i know i'm not supposed to complain about little shit, being a cancer survivor and all, but this has really been a pain in the ass. and i feel like everyone (including mike and my docs) think it's no big deal precisely because i am a survivor. yes, i'm grateful to be alive. but i'm so sick of being in pain. i know, it could always be worse. now i'm stuck in red-tape limbo while kaiser gets their heads out of their asses and refers me to an acupuncturist and their "pain management" clinic. in some ways, it's deja vu of when i found my lump. only instead of being told i'm too young to have cancer, i've been hearing i'm too young to have a herniated disc/back problems. so now, once again, i'm being shuttled around and ending up in a place where i'm the youngest and healthiest (except for the cancer and hernias, that is). i guess between the hot flashes, osteoporosis and back pain, there's not much chance of ever getting of all my meds. all right, now i've gotten all the whining out of my system.


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