Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Monday, July 03, 2006

halfway through

mike has been home since friday, and he doesn't go back to work until thurs this week. six days off all in a row, and we've packed them full of stuff: breakfast at caf baf, a massage (me), shopping at fleet feet and the mall for our trip, dinner at centro, the gym (three times so far), grocery shopping, visiting greyhounds, moving our new-to-us oversized chair in, santa rosa to see more greys, dinner at paragary's, staples to replenish my supplies, tires rotated on the car, and we're barbecuing tonight. tomorrow we're hitting target after the gym, and going for a swim in the afternoon. and wed mike's donating blood and we're both seeing dr. mags in the afternoon. whew!

i almost blew a deadline yesterday. during dinner out i remembered i owed rob a story. luckily, he's my bro-in-law, so if i had forgotten, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. and i had already completed the writing/editing, i just had to go back and incorporate the changes. but still, so unlike me to forget like that! i blame all the good food i've been eating during this stay-at-home mini vacation.


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