why is that not on the label?
apparently both nyquil and dayquil have similar properties to motrin, to which i am deathly allergic.
on wednesday night, while i was rummaging in the medicine closet and came across nyquil and mike innocently suggested, "you should take that so you can get some sleep tonight," i thought, that's a great idea, so i did.
(in hindsight, the suggestion was probably more so HE could get some sleep, as i have apparently spent the last few nights of sick and itchy kicking him in my sleep.)
i took the nyquil, and yesterday morning awoke to marge. so i took some dayquil, thinking that would help both the hives and the sick that will, apparently, never go away.
then i emailed my allergist to tell him of my woes, and when he got back to me, he informed me of the nyquil/dayquil/motrin phenomenon. at least i did mention that i have an epi pen, and i'm not afraid to use it.
so last night i switched to something that, hopefully, won't kill me--benadryl.
this stuff usually knocks me on my ass, which is why i try to stay away from it. but last night, i wanted to sleep so badly that i took two. which did not kick in. for hours. i took them at 6 p.m. when mike got home, and i headed for bed, hoping to fall into a deep, healthful sleep. at 830, i was still wide awake--and miserable.
obviously, i did fall asleep, because i awoke at 7 this morning, itchy as all get out, but no swollen lip.
baby steps.
on wednesday night, while i was rummaging in the medicine closet and came across nyquil and mike innocently suggested, "you should take that so you can get some sleep tonight," i thought, that's a great idea, so i did.
(in hindsight, the suggestion was probably more so HE could get some sleep, as i have apparently spent the last few nights of sick and itchy kicking him in my sleep.)
i took the nyquil, and yesterday morning awoke to marge. so i took some dayquil, thinking that would help both the hives and the sick that will, apparently, never go away.
then i emailed my allergist to tell him of my woes, and when he got back to me, he informed me of the nyquil/dayquil/motrin phenomenon. at least i did mention that i have an epi pen, and i'm not afraid to use it.
so last night i switched to something that, hopefully, won't kill me--benadryl.
this stuff usually knocks me on my ass, which is why i try to stay away from it. but last night, i wanted to sleep so badly that i took two. which did not kick in. for hours. i took them at 6 p.m. when mike got home, and i headed for bed, hoping to fall into a deep, healthful sleep. at 830, i was still wide awake--and miserable.
obviously, i did fall asleep, because i awoke at 7 this morning, itchy as all get out, but no swollen lip.
baby steps.
fell behind on the blog. i forgot you're back!
but yeah, i took benadryl too recently. i think they took the asskicker out of that stuff. what the hell?
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