the day to day struggle
the ebb and flow of work is always on my mind these days.
i just got a gig here giving advice to teens, which will put my psychology degree to good use (finally!). that's not to say that particular degree doesn't come in handy many times--pretty much every damn day--but still. i'm also going to be writing about etiquette for a new start-up mag, which will hopefully do very well, but will at the very least give me a forum to be my usual sarcastic self.
neither one pays very much, but there flip side is that both jobs require more of "me" than any of my other writing. i can be myself. and that is, of course, priceless!
per usual, it's two small steps forward and one giant step back around here.
greta threw up yesterday morning, then ate barely anything for the rest of the day. the poor thing's stomach was rumbling and growling so much last night that both mike and i could not sleep. and this morning, she had no interest in food. so, of to the vet we went. $250 later, she seems to be fine, just a bout of upset tummy. which is good, because it could always be much, much worse.
alas, the credit card bill keeps racking up, and the money only trickles in slowly.
i just got a gig here giving advice to teens, which will put my psychology degree to good use (finally!). that's not to say that particular degree doesn't come in handy many times--pretty much every damn day--but still. i'm also going to be writing about etiquette for a new start-up mag, which will hopefully do very well, but will at the very least give me a forum to be my usual sarcastic self.
neither one pays very much, but there flip side is that both jobs require more of "me" than any of my other writing. i can be myself. and that is, of course, priceless!
per usual, it's two small steps forward and one giant step back around here.
greta threw up yesterday morning, then ate barely anything for the rest of the day. the poor thing's stomach was rumbling and growling so much last night that both mike and i could not sleep. and this morning, she had no interest in food. so, of to the vet we went. $250 later, she seems to be fine, just a bout of upset tummy. which is good, because it could always be much, much worse.
alas, the credit card bill keeps racking up, and the money only trickles in slowly.
let's agree not to talk about large credit card bills ever again. if we don't believe in them, maybe they don't exist.
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