Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Sunday, October 30, 2005

i'm feeling old

i think mike is mad at me. we went to a halloween party last night, and it was o.k., but after two hours i was ready to head home. first of all, it was so loud i had to scream to talk, which was hurting my throat, and second of all, i'm already hard of hearing, and i couldn't hear what anyone was saying to me. and lastly, i'm not a big "me" talker to begin with, so answering the old "what have you been up to lately" question over and over got old fast. so this morning, mike has been quiet. and i know it's because he wanted to stay at the party (though i offered to come back and pick him up later) because he had a few beers and was feeling great, whereas i was tired and bored and wanted to go home. but i'll be damned if i'm going to apologize, because i don't think i have anything to apologize for! so it's going to be a quiet sunday around here. on a good note, the next couple of weeks are going to be fun. we're going to mama mia on friday (with mike's mom, but it should still be fun) and then next tuesday we're going to see u2 in oakland. we've had the tickets for so long i can't believe it's finally here. i am bummed because originally the opener was going ot be either the killers or keane, but now it's damion marley (or something like that). and then in a couple of weeks we're seeing death cab for cutie at the warfield, which will be awesome. then the week after that is thanksgiving, for which i will be cooking a whole bird for the first time ever. but first things first--halloween tomorrow night! probably my favorite holiday because of all the scary movies on tv. i've loved scary movies ever since i can remember--literally. i remember watching the little girl who lived down the lane when i was like five or something. and the scarier the better.


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