Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Sunday, January 29, 2006


a few years ago, if you had asked me who my heroes were, i probably would have had a hard time coming up with any names. today, there are an odd assortment: lance armstrong, for beating cancer's ass; the passengers of flight 93, for taking action; and periel aschenbrand for being a creative genius. i just finished her book which basically documents where she got the idea for, and it did not disappoint. it gives my "100 reasons not to vote for bush" poster even more meaning, since she talks about a lot of the people on the poster, including one of her really good friends who used to be a mormon. mike and i had to share the computer this weekend because he had work to do and i always have something i should be doing. luckily, yesterday i hand-edited all my stories that are due next week while i made a huge batch of vegan chocolate chip cookies. (no, we did not go to the funeral because mike has poison oak on his neck and it's so bad that it basically looks like raw meat and he didn't want to go and have everyone have to look at it (plus it would ruin his suit because it's all oozy. i know, lame excuses.)tonight after dinner i'm going to try to finish the writing on the wall so i can start two new books tomorrow: emily's reasons why not, since i'm in the mood for light, and the friend who got away, since i just wrote my column on friendship and discovered that book while doing a little research. hopefully i will be able to get the cardio thingy i want at the gym tomorrow morning so i can read while i work out!


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