Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Friday, July 07, 2006

why i rule the remote

so mike spent his last day of vacation watching the most god-awful crap on tv. seriously. a hot dog eating contest on espn 2, followed by the world's worst police chases on spike tv. what is up with that? and he just doesn't get why i've been rewatching season one of veronica mars and lost, or why now that we is showing repeats of felicity for the bazillionth time, i still watch them. now THAT'S good tv!

mike is leaving for an overnight work thingy next week, and i've planned to dognap macy again for a few days to coincide with his leaving. it'll be a girls' night, and i guess since flynn has had his penis removed, he's sort of a girl. he is a princess, that's for sure. but between him and moxie and a lost night with storygoil, it should be fun.


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