Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Saturday, August 12, 2006

karma 101

i have always been an animal lover. since as far back as i can remember, i've been around cats. and just like matthew sweet's song says, i do believe that dog people hate cats and cat people love all animals.

so as an avid animal lover, i am always noticing loose dogs out and about and trying to reunite them with their (unappreciative, bad) owners whenever possible. i figure it's not the dog's fault their owner is stupid and irresponsible.

now that we're facing impending dog-to-be status, i've been worried about the off chance that our speed demon might slip away from us, say when mike open the door and his guard is down, or when the dog that has never darted out before suddenly gets the urge to run or something.

as a cancer survivor, i don't like to believe in karma (if there is karma, then my having had cancer should mean we're winning the lottery tonight, right?). i don't think i was that bad of a person for 30 years to "deserve" the karma of cancer. but if the big "k" does exist, i hope that all my previous doggie rescues add up so that if for some horrific moment our dog does escape, she's rescued by another animal lover and brought back to me safe and sound.

and to get my dog fix once more, i'll be heading to the dog park tomorrow night to see some greyhounds in action. i feel like such a dogophile (the canine equivalent of a pedophile) skulking around the dog park without a dog in tow. i'm sure it won't be long before i'm being referred to as the "crazy non-dog lady".


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