Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

anyone have an ark?

'cause it's been raining buckets here. and every day my dad calls to ask if we're flooded. i keep explaining that if we were flooded, all of sacramento would be flooded, but he just doesn't get it. after reading what storygoil is going through, i'm so glad we got a new roof a couple of years ago. esp. since the old one leaked a bit in the attic. so here we are in the new year, and how did mine start? with a fight with mike (the husband) of course! he was testing the smoke detectors, and since he's got a touch of ocd, he kept testing them, and testing them. and finally i playfully said, "ok...they work!" and he kept going. so i said, "enough, my little ocd husband." and he YELLED, "FUCK JULIET!!!!" and then i stopped talking to him for a while, and when he noticed i was being quiet, he asked if i was ready to apologize to him for my overreacting to the testing--he said it was all my fault for "provoking" him with my comments and that therefore he didn't need to apologize and that "i was crazy" if i thought it was his fault for yelling at me. needless to say, that did not go over well with me. and i wondered if that was some sort of foreshadowing of the new year, being that this fight happened at about 8am on new year's day and all. after a few hours we discussed it and agreed to disagree...i'm trying to get back into the swing of working, but it's just not happening. i've been staring at a story i need to edit, and i have a migraine that keeps trying to go full-blown, but i'm trying not to let it. all i want to do is crawl back into bed with the kitties and sleep for hours, but i know i have too much to do and not enough time as it is, so that would only make things worse in the long run. this week is short as it is, and on thursday i have to take my m-i-l to the hospital for surgery, so that's a whole day blown at kaiser, which sucks on many levels, not the least of which is that i'm trying to avoid the flu and sick people, and kaiser is one big germ factory this time of year. plus, she insists on going to the kaiser on morse, which is where i was born and is at least a million years old. why anyone would have surgery there is beyond me. i'd better dive into my work or it's only going to get worse! here i go...


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