this is me now

Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

how to lose 5+ lbs in 48 hours

eat oatmeal with a grapefruit and soy latte for breakfast. three hours later, commence projectile vomiting. repeat every four hours. finally realize it has nothing to do with what was consumed, but is in fact the "stomach flu." hope it lasts 24 hours. after 36 hours, try two spoonfuls of broth and a handful of oyster crackers. throw up hours later. wait 12 more hours, then try a can of chicken noodle soup for breakfast. throw that up. realize the "stomach flu" can last up to 72 hours. cry...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

apparently, i have a lot to learn

i just started working for this site ( and have thus far contributed two movie reviews.

the first, for the guardian, can be found here:

the second, for open cam, is here:

while i was much more concerned with the backlash the second review might procure, it seems that in the A/V world, which i know bumpkus about, the first review is stirring up all kinds of discontent.

all to be taken with a grain of salt.

up next, two more "gay" films, and one movie i've never heard of. i think i just might have to dust off my old "fag hag" moniker, as apparently i have been labeled the straight, married, female gay movie reviewer on the site. but as i say, whatever floats your boat works for me!


Monday, January 08, 2007

crapity crap

this year has started off with a fizzle.

i was sick on january 1.

now my car is effed up and i have to take it in tomorrow morning, which i dread with the same pit in my stomach as getting taxes done.

it seems in both cases there are always unwelcome surprises along the lines of "bend over and let me stick this huge pole up your you-know-what while you have to sit there and take it" then pay lots of money for the unpleasant encounter.

not to mention the fact that it's freezing degrees outside and too cold to walk greta, so she's acting like a brat and making work impossible.

top it all off with three client interviews today, mix well and scream.


Monday, January 01, 2007

realistic resolutions

lose some pounds
work out faster
update blog regularly
stretch out more
buy new clothes only when i lose some weight
take a vacation
finish something around the house
call dad regularly
have more patience with greta
