this is me now

Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Sunday, August 24, 2008

best line last night...

"i had the BIGGEST crush on your husband!"

i survived my husband's 20-year high school reunion, and it was fun to hear stories about him "back in the day."

met some really cool people, and i even networked a bit, oddly enough. (the opportunities kept presenting, so i took them.)

mike starts his new job tomorrow, and i feel like summer is ending and it's time for back to school, because we've pretty much been goofing off for the past two weeks he's been "unemployed".

our trip to Mendocino was nice (great food, nice stay), and i'm already looking forward to the next time we can get away (might be a looong time from now, though, as the new job will take priority over everything else for a while).

ah well, give sme more time to work, watch the new fall shows, read and exercise--not necessarily in that order!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

holy frick i'm tired!

the last few weeks have done worn me out. mendocino was fun, for sure (food! greta!), but i am now suffering from a post-vacation cold-type thing. ugh!

oh, and did i forget to mention that i am now in charge of planning my 20-year high school reunion? ironic that the geeky wallflower is now in control. mwah ha ha...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

pimpin' some link love

the blogging gigs are drying out, so stop by and help me out by clicking ad links, posting comments, and, GASP, even linking to them from your own blog(s). seriously, every little bit helps!