bad bedside
so i had an mri for my lower back on monday night, and my doctor just left a message (i was in the shower-damn me for wanting to smell good!) and he said he saw some findings he "wants to discuss with me" which is, of course, freaking me out. and he didn't leave his number, because he's an idiot, and only said he'd try again later today or tomorrow. i know rationally that if it was cancer-related, he would probably be having my oncologist talk to me (right? RIGHT?) but i'm nervous nonetheless. and this is the doc who i had to beg to get an mri in the first place, and he refused to have them look at my knee at the same time, even though my knee was the original source of the problem, because he thinks my pain is all in my head. i'm seriously a wreck right now, and you'd think since he knows my medical history, he could have had the courtesy to at least say, it's nothing serious, but i do want to talk to you about a new plan of action. or something like that.