this is me now

Location: California, United States

freelance writer who appreciates sarcasm and wit

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

bad bedside

so i had an mri for my lower back on monday night, and my doctor just left a message (i was in the shower-damn me for wanting to smell good!) and he said he saw some findings he "wants to discuss with me" which is, of course, freaking me out. and he didn't leave his number, because he's an idiot, and only said he'd try again later today or tomorrow. i know rationally that if it was cancer-related, he would probably be having my oncologist talk to me (right? RIGHT?) but i'm nervous nonetheless. and this is the doc who i had to beg to get an mri in the first place, and he refused to have them look at my knee at the same time, even though my knee was the original source of the problem, because he thinks my pain is all in my head. i'm seriously a wreck right now, and you'd think since he knows my medical history, he could have had the courtesy to at least say, it's nothing serious, but i do want to talk to you about a new plan of action. or something like that.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

cover songs

i'm still cracking up over ben folds and rufus covering wham's careless whisper. and then ben covering some dr. dre/snoop song after that. why is it that sac never gets cool bands? i once saw matthew sweet at the colonial, probably one of the best concerts i've ever been to. i think the colonial is now closed, since it was pretty much falling apart when we were there. that was the first concert mike and i ever went to, in fact, and over 10 years ago. and we even talked to matthew sweet as we were leaving. we always seem to score talking to artists after concerts because we leave fast and run into them on their way out. talked to boots from getaway people in old sac that way, as well as ed from bnl at the warfield. and ben lee at the blue lamp this year, too. we're such concert whores! and we're talking about going to see death cab again at the warfield the week after u2. i'm actually a little bummed we're going to u2 because liz phair is playing in sf the same night, and frankly i'd rather see her. i like the smaller shows/venues as opposed to huge crowds, but mike is so excited for u2...but back to my point. i guess so many artists must think sac is a waste of time when they can play sf and be guaranteed a sell out. which makes sense, since no one i know (except mike) has even heard of the music we listen to. or people play in sac once and then never come back because the audiences are so obviously there to drink and have no idea who the artist is performing. i guess i'm not just a concert whore, but i'm also a concert snob.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

sf in the summer

went to sf last night for a concert and froze my butt off. but well worth it to see ben lee and ben folds rock davies hall. and dinner at indigo was great, too. even saw b-in-law doug, while he was on duty. always cracks me up when we meet up with him while he's in uniform and everyone looks at us like we're crazy for talking to a cop. even got home at a reasonable hour and was in bed by midnight. and i was able to stay awake while mike drove home--almost unbelievable. of course, i'm exhausted today, but that's nothing a 6 mile walk can't cure. but first, i have to write a story about how to take good digital pictures, which i have to admit is going to come in quite handy in the future on vacations.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

could it be?

it feels like fall around here. i would love it if fall actually lasted more than two weeks this year. i'm sure it will heat up again soon, but for now, i'm pretending like it's fall and it's going to stick around. i just sent out a bunch of queries and have a few more i'm polishing before i send them out. i wish my ideas were steady rather than a bunch at a time once or twice a year. oh well. i'm also hoping that since i'm "published" now, someone will bite. that would be fantastic. not so much for the money (although that's good, too) but to break into that next level of magazines. i know it will come eventually. i just want it to be sooner rather than later. i watched sin city last night--so good! i loved the way it was filmed. it was beautiful to watch, and the story was pretty good, too. and next week the ring 2 is out--woo hoo! i love the scaries. it had better be good, because the grudge was a disappointment. the ring was good, but ruined because the first time we saw it was in the theater with all the yahoos. i think the movie-going audiences in sac really ruin movies. thank god for netflix--no need to go to the movies at all anymore.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

planes and trains

what's up with all the planes dropping out of the sky as of late? every time i think i may finally be able to fly--though i have no destination in mind--another plane drops. guess we'll definitely be taking the train back from bean town next year for sure, although it's going to add a lot of $$ and extra days to the trip. but fun, i'm sure. i'm also toying with the idea of visiting my fav client in penn while we're back there, because this will most likely be the only time we'll be back for many years, and i'd love to meet her. been working for her for two-plus years, steady, fun work, and we've never even spoken on the phone! via email only--probably why she's my fav. so low maintenance. then there's my bread-and-butter guy, but i have to talk to him every week, like it or not. in fact, i have to call him in an hour. ugh! i so hate scheduled calls--gives me flashbacks to corporate offices. oh well. after i talk to him, i'm off to catch up on my dvr'd shows and then watch sin city on dvd. i know, it's a tough life, but hey--i had cancer. speaking of cancer, we just found out that our street/immediate neighborhood is not in the carcinogen pesticide spray zone, so i'm relieved about that. doesn't protect me when i venture beyond my streets, but it's better than nothing. we're too close to the river, thank god!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


so i'm halfway through my fasting day of my detox diet. the pre week was much easier now that i eat meat again, and kicking caffeine was hard but not impossible. the hardest thing to stop was the bread, pasta, rice, etc. after today, i have three more days of no caffeine and bread and then i can resume normal eating. which of course means not pigging out, but i can have bread and soy milk and cereal and tea again. all i know is, this had better be worth it!i can't believe this month is already half over. soon it will be fall (my favorite time of year) and before i know it, the end of the year. next year i'm going to really focus on breaking into more magazines. now that i have a more magazine-friendly portfolio, it should be easier--i hope.

Monday, August 08, 2005

it's been a while

but i've been having so much fun! tahoe was fab. great weather. good food. lots of reading and being lazy. just what the doctor ordered. of course, after all the fun with the jet ski and sitting on the sand, my leg is cramped up worse than when we left. one step forward, five steps back! thank god for the vicodin, and for the fact that i finally decided to start taking it. so now i have to get back down to business. i've been lazy about queries and elance, but that's all about to change. i'm off to find work!